What Kind of Therapy Is Best?

Over the past few decades there’s been a lot of back-and-forth as to which therapeutic models demonstrate the most positive outcomes based on empirical data.  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has frequently been held up as a gold standard of evidence-based therapy.

Over time however what is emerging is that most models have similar value when used in a tactically appropriate fashion (I am not including here discredited models such as Conversion Therapy, which are destructive in nature).  The particular model a therapist uses is proving to be less important than the kind of alliance developed between therapist and client.  Having said that, therapists do need to work with a serious model (there are a number of them) and that model needs to be internally consistent and able to offer a way forward for clients.

Psychodynamic therapy is one mainstay of how I practice so here’s some empirical information on its impact and how it works.